harmonic series is a digital magazine for adventurous music, especially at the interfaces of classical and jazz and noise. Each issue is intended to include:
a transcribed interview, guest essay, or other larger feature;
a smaller rotating feature like annotations, which samples non-standard notation in the spirit of John Cage & Alison Knowles’ Notations and Theresa Sauer’s Notations 21; and
reviews, unranked and unrated, with an emphasis on recently released recordings of music.
If you want thoughtful engagement with contemporary practices in abstract sound delivered to your email inbox on the first of every month, consider subscribing.
Please feel free to contact us, even just to chat about music, at harmonicseries21@gmail.com. Feedback is welcome.
If you’re as tickled as we are about what we do, please consider sharing it with others.
If you appreciate our efforts, please consider donating. Your contributions support not only the writers but the musicians that make it possible. For all monthly income received, harmonic series retains 20% for operating costs, equally distributes 40% to the participating writing team, and distributes 40% to contributing musicmakers (of this, 40% to interviewee or guest essayist, 30% to rotating feature contributor, and 30% equally to those that apprised us of their project that we reviewed). For the nitty gritty of this system, please read the editorial here. Disclaimer: harmonic series LLC is not a non-profit organization, as such donations are not tax-deductible.
regular contributors
Ellie Kerry | Twitter
Connor Kurtz | After Silence
Keith Prosk | Twitter
Gil Sansón
resource roll
After Silence | commentary- & mix-based podcast
Avant Music News | newsfeed
Bandcamp Daily Contemporary Classical & Experimental & Jazz | reviews
B-Journal | periodical for writing, sometimes scores
Boring Like A Drill | reviews
Catalytic Sound Quarterly | features, essays, etc.
Complete Communion | reviews
crow with no mouth | blog, reviews, interviews
Deep Listening: A Composer’s Sound Practice
Dusted | reviews
Ear | Wave | Event | periodical creative and critical
endaural | new releases
erstwords | blog
esoteros | reviews
The Experimental Music Yearbook | composition & performance approaches, notation
Foxy Digitalis | reviews, interviews, mixes, more
The Free Jazz Collective | reviews, interviews, features
Graphème | print publication for alternative notation
Graphic Scores & Musical Post-Literacy
IM-OS | periodical for open scores
ISSUE Project Room archives | performances
Just Outside | reviews, blog
Lateral Addition | sound-based intermedia
The Light of Lost Words | blog
mumei | print publication for scores
Nameless Sound: 20 Years of Sound | performances & reflections
News from the Shed | interviews
Night After Night | new releases
On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music
OPTION | performances & interviews
Organ Grinder | reviews
Point of Departure | journal, columns, reviews, interviews
Rare Frequency | radio
Recordedness | interviews
The Renfusa Revue | radio
The Road to Sound | reviews, premieres, features
Signifying Something | interview-based podcast
Sound American | periodical, essays
The Squid’s Ear | reviews
surround | periodical
Tactile Paths | Christopher A. Williams’ dissertation on open scores
Tone Glow | interviews, reviews, features
tone science | radio
UbuWeb Sound | recordings
vital weekly | new releases
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility